Guest Information

Direct booking

Guest Information

At Chagall we put at your disposal the "Tourist Code of Conduct responsible" and the "Principles of fair trade" so that during your days with us you can enjoy our wonderful environment being a tourist informed, respectful and values ​​local traditions and customs and thus enjoy a unique stay.

At Hotel Chagall, being aware of the importance of the environment that surrounds us surrounds, we are committed to sustainable development, which is why we have developed our "Sustainability Policy".

Tourist Code of Conduct responsible

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Value local traditions and customs

  • Before traveling, ask about the local customs and traditions of the destination tourist that will visit (costumbrista parties, ephemerides, anniversaries, among others), so you can share, participate and integrate with the community of better way.
  • Learn a few words in the native language. With this you can set a more meaningful contact with the local community.
  • Respect and protect everything that makes a destination unique and different: from its history, its architecture and its cultural values, natural and own such as: religion, music, art, cuisine, among others. By example, request consent to take pictures inside churches, national monuments or the local community.

Support the local economy

  • Prefer local handicrafts and products made in the destination, this will allow you to contribute to the development of family, retail and small-scale.
  • Treat local vendors and artisans with respect and kindness and promote a voluntary and fair commercial relationship between producers and consumers.
  • Do not buy products that are obviously counterfeit, or that are prohibited by local or national regulations.
  • When it comes to purchasing tours, always seek the established business to avoid scams or deception. Prefer tourist services that are operated by inhabitants of the commune or destination.
  • Find out about products that are legally restricted from leaving or entering the country visited.

Respect the environment

  • Buy products that do not require the use of plants or endangered animals.
  • Prefer group outings that allow savings of resources, money, fuel and a decrease in your carbon footprint. Find the most efficient and least pollutant to move.
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle solid waste during your trip. bring your own water bottle to refill, avoid buying products with wrappers and containers unnecessary, and do not accept plastic bags to receive purchases of products that can be transported in another medium.
  • Reduce your consumption of water and electricity in accommodation establishments tourist you visit (request to use your towels and sheets for more than one day and when leaving a room remember to turn off the lights, heat and air conditioned).

Be careful when visiting wild, heritage, archaeological or others that seem fragile and/or valuable.

  • Try to return the garbage generated during your visit to these areas (even with the organic waste), otherwise it could alter the food diet of the native wildlife, litter the landscape and affect other visitors.
  • Choose routes that cause less impact on the landscape, favoring existing roads and trails. Prefer guided tours, thus avoiding accidents and reducing soil erosion and compaction in protected areas, while while it will strengthen local work.
  • Do not commit environmental crimes. If you visit a protected area, remember that there are a regulation and that it was created to preserve places and species of great ecological value and on many occasions in danger of extinction.
  • Do not feed wildlife.
  • Respect the signs and indications of existing communities in the area that visit. This will allow for a safer visit for you, your family and the environment.
  • Do not remove natural resources, for example stones, fossils, snails, plants, flowers or others, from their original environment.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of the infrastructure and equipment present in the protected areas by paying the requested fee and properly using the installations.

Be an informed and respectful traveler

  • Comply with local and national laws and regulations.
  • Respect human rights and protect children from exploitation in any of its forms, especially sexual and labor.
  • Learn how you can get medical assistance or contact your embassy (for foreign tourists) in case of emergency.
  • Get information about the weather conditions when you access mountain range areas or variable hydrometeorological conditions. If you take tours by yourself alone or in a group to the mountain, inform and leave a record of your visit in Carabineros, CONAF or other pertinent institution.
  • Get information at the tourist information offices that have support institutional official public or private, in order to obtain information objective, updated and with services and tourist activities that meet the legal provisions of the places you visit.

Fair trade principles

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  • Opportunities for disadvantaged producers
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Fair trading practices
  • Fair payment
  • No to child labour, no to forced labor
  • No discrimination, gender equality, freedom of association
  • Good working conditions
  • Capacity building
  • Promotion of fair trade
  • Respect for the environment
No a la explotación sexual infantil

Sustainability Policy

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At Hotel Chagall, being aware of the importance of the environment that surrounds us surrounds, we are committed to contributing to the environmental, sociocultural and economic, taking the first step internally as organization, to become an agent of change, improvement and development of Copiapó and the region as a tourist destination.

That is why we are committed to sustainable development, integrating in our operations respect and care for the environment and the community in which we impact, believing and committing ourselves to promote the following guidelines and principles:


  • Promote and foster the efficient use of energy and water resources, minimizing their consumption and good practices in the field.
  • Minimize the generation of waste and carry out responsible management with the same.
  • Promote the natural attractions of the commune and its nearby surroundings without generating impact.


  • Reject all forms of exploitation of human beings, especially sexual exploitation when it affects children and adolescents.
  • Provide relevant, current and genuine information to tourists.
  • To be an agent of change, encouraging the articulation of key actors and networks with entrepreneurs from the local community in order to promote the community growth.
  • Incorporate suppliers of local and artisan origin in the hotel.


  • Being fair to our suppliers, sourcing locally, and having sustainable purchasing system.
  • Offer quality service.
  • Generate transparency, trust and responsibility in relationships such as company, that is, suppliers, internal and external customers.
  • Adhere to the 10 principles of fair trade, in particular Transparency and Responsibility; No to Child Labor, No to Forced Labor; fair payment;
  • Capacity building; Respect for the Environment.